every now and then i stumble on some old files from 10 years ago. i know i already posted some of these but i forget which. some of boys from tv and movies, some of my friend dannon who died of not taking his hiv meds. the computer i'm on has very little storge space so if i post them here i can delete them from my hard drive again and still find them here later. plus they are cute. i've been posting so little here lately. this blog never really took off hitwise. it was a failed experiment. i still do it for fun when i have free time, but that's less often now as i have been working for a living, trying to fix up my house, and getting back into doing legal research. so i will be posting pics today. here are a couple of samples.

this is john. he was an underage nude model in south america before he died of leukemia at 16. the photographer went to jail so those photos are mostly gone now. when the web first came out in the mod 90s i was interested in the limits of freedom of expression because i work in the area of political freedom of expression, but i no longer seek out photos of boys that are anything more than "cute."
this is an all ages blog, but there are sometimes links to sites with sexual content, twink type stuff.
this is dannon (the shirtless guy). the other guy is chris. they dated in real life at one time and were both in the cast of corpus christi, which i think this is a publicity shot for.